Monday, October 27, 2008

Sad Story!

A week or so ago I was on and I saw that they were having a casting call, the winner gets a free Gap Wardrobe. Now, if you know me, I am VERY into "free"! I'm not one of those Moms that think I have the cutest kids or anything, I just wanted to try my luck. If you know me you also know that I have a serious procrastination problem. I wanted to enter them early, but they were sick, then I wouldn't feel like fixing them up, or they wouldn't (Lola) let me fix their hair,things like this, so the very last day to enter them, I took them over to my sister's and we took these cute pictures. I came home and was hurrying to get them onto the computer, I tryed to upload them to the Gap site and it said the file size was too big, so I went and resized all of them then I went back to post them, I got one goofy picture of Lola on there (I was going to post five pictures of both of them showing their different expressions and personalities) and then it ended, I was so sad I didn't even get to enter Ray. Unless they are looking for a goofy-looking little girl this year, I don't tink we have a chance! Not like we were going to win anyway, I just wanted to say that I had done it, to make myself feel cool. I guess I'll have to stick to bargain shopping! By the way baby Ray is 8 months old today, and as sweet as ever! Some of the things he is up to are, scooting all over the place, he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, he hasn't quite figured out how to move in that position yet, which is really nice for me. He is just cutting his first tooth, ouch! He has been saying "da da" for probably two months now, but he just started saying "Ma ma" two days ago. He loves maple and brown sugar oatmeal, potato soup and popcicles. He is so fun and snuggly, he is always hugging me so tight and he likes to grab ahold of the tiny hair on the back of my neck, it hurts so bad, he is really good at it, so strong!

I love his lips in this one
There it is, his surprised look, he always makes!

I don't know why, she always has to put heer own twist on things (turning the hat sideways) silly girl!


The Colvins said...

You have such beautiful kids! I could really see them as Gap babies. Well, if you don't win--at least you got some great pictures.

MC Lewis said...

Love the pictures!

Missy said...

Cute pictures!! That IS a sad story, though!!

Lydia said...

Wow, great pictures. They definitely look like gap babies to me.

*/ Jillian said...

dang cute pics! They are both darling. You should have gotten Rays on there he would have one for the boys for sure!!!!! his little face is to die for.

The Knudsen Family said...

I saw that same casting call and thought I would try as well but also procrastinated. Those are the cutest pictures of your kids.

Susanna said...

You do such a good job! I think they definitely look like Gap babies, they are so cute!

jamie @ [kreyv] said...

They totally would have won. :) Those pics are ADORABLE!!

brookiebaby said...

Holy cow, both of your kids would win that contest! They are so adorable, and the photos are so Gap-ish (if that's a term!). Very cute!

Chellese said...

These pictures really are SO cute. Your kids are beautiful, Carrie and it would be hard to take a bad shot of them. Speaking of, I have a really cute one of baby Ray in his ninja suit (it's really only his head). It's too cute.

Jessica said...

Such cute pictures! Your kids have the prettiest eyes!

I & A said...

Hey Carrie how are ya? Those pictures are so adorable!! Did you and Chellese take them? I still feel so bad you didn't get them in on time..I bet they would have won. Hope your having a great week!

Kit said...

Oh my crud Carrie,Those are the cutest pics ever. I am so sad you didn't get to enter them in. I am always telling Shawn that (honestly) Ray is the cutest babe I ahve ever laid eyes on.....Adorable!! Good Job!

Katy said...

Just look at it this way, you're giving the ugly kids a shot, because Ray and Lola would have taken it for sure!!

The Tophams said...

So stinkin' cute! Whatever kids GAP picks, they won't be as cute as yours! Such pretty eyes and beautiful faces!

Kristal said...

I love reading your blog. You kids are the cutest things ever! I love those pictures. How is the photography business going?

nicole said...

Way cute pictures!!! You do have really adorable kids, they so would have won it all:)

youngfam said...

Such cute pictures! hope you guys had a great halloween!

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

Carrie, your kids are so cute! I'm sure there will be more contests and you'll totally win.
PS I have a blog now.

Chellese said...

Cute turkeys.