Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Family pictures -kinda (Collage, Minus Tony) Ha!

So If you guys know Tony then you know he refuses to do the whole"Family Picture" thing.
I am realizing that I am not getting any younger (especially this year, gray hair, wrinkles, etc...)
and that my kids won't have anything to look back on to see what I used to look like when they were young. So I have been attempting to take pictures of myself with them, which isn't very much fun, but until I can convince my better half to do some family pics this is what you get! A few Utah photographers have put out a challenge to take photos with your kids (one or all) once a week, and post them for the whole year, so this is what I am trying to do, and you all should do it too. I think it will be fun to look back on these when I am 80 and completely saggy, half blind/deaf, and gray-haired and see that I was young and silly once. My Mom has also commented to me on several occasions that I need to put pictures of Tony and I on here, since it is the Goulding family blog, so here you go Mommy! P.S. I took a side shot of myself (up in the top right corner) because I had a boyfriend once that told me I was beautiful from the side, I have always thought that was so funny, and he was always trying to get pictures of me from the side (it should be a Seinfeld episode or something) It makes me laugh out loud just thinking about it. I used to joke that if we got married we could send out announcements with a profile picture of me and a straight shot of him- kinda funny. I actually have to agree with him though, I think I look much better from the side ,but only my left side, the right not so good! Geez, will I ever feel comfortable in my own skin, can I just be a little kid again?!
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Tiffy Ann said...

I think that you are gorgeous from all sides!!! You and Holly look so alike to me. I'll have to do this picture thing.

Chellese said...

You are beautiful, Carrie. There are tons of great pictures in this collage.